Take Action to Support Wind Energy in SD


Study: It’s now cheaper to build a new wind farm than to keep a coal plant running

Poll: Voters Believe South Dakota Should be Encouraging Wind Development

By 72%-25%, voters in polled counties say we should be encouraging wind energy companies to invest in South Dakota. And, by a ratio of three to one, voters believe South Dakota should be encouraging wind energy development. 



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South Dakotans for
Comprehensive Energy Solutions

Promoting all-of-the-above energy policies for South Dakota

Join us.  Learn how you can help bring jobs and new energy resources to South Dakota.


South Dakota Energy

Our organization includes community leaders who support using all of our South Dakota energy resources, including coal, wind, oil and gas, and hydro.  It’s unwise to put all of our eggs in one energy basket. With a growing support for wind energy, we’re working together to diversify our economy and energy supply, create jobs, allow landowners to make money from their property, and pay taxes into local governments for schools and services. This leads to stronger towns, stronger counties and better communities.


Wind Energy benefits South Dakota

According to the American Wind Energy Association (www.awea.org):

  • Wind energy has created over 102,000 American jobs. That includes between 1,000-2,000 jobs in South Dakota … a number we need to grow!

  • Wind turbine technician is the fastest growing job in America.

  • Since 2013 wind energy jobs have grown by 25% each year.

  • There are 5 active manufacturing facilities in South Dakota that produce products for the wind industry.

  • The wind industry hires veterans at a 50% higher rate than the average U.S. business.

  • Wind projects pay million of dollars in property taxes each year.

  • Wind energy developers pay landowners for use of their land.


About Us

South Dakotans for Comprehensive Energy Solutions (SDCES) is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit research and education organization dedicated to promoting a comprehensive, all-of-the-above energy policy in the United States.  While SDCES supports the consumption of all types of domestic energy, including coal, oil, natural gas, solar, wind, and other types of renewable energy, SDCES is particularly focused on the development of wind and solar resources.  As technologies advance, markets open, and certain states enact their own renewable energy goals, domestic consumption of wind, solar, and other renewables will help us reduce our dependence on foreign oil and promote clean energy.  To that end, SDCES may engage in research, education, and outreach activities that support the development of renewable energy as part of a comprehensive energy policy.